$1,111.00 USD

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Mothers Rising Mastermind

Are you ready to ...

  • Heal any past trauma
  • Become master of your emotions 
  • Free yourself from any triggers
  • Overcome overwhelm
  • Become a source of joy and harmony for your family
  • Parent with clarity, being the inspired leader your family needs
  • Foster intimate connection with your children
  • Rediscover yourself and step back into worthiness, claim your power and be in your joy! 

 Are you ready for total transformation!? 

Support and sisterhood for every step and stage of motherhood 

In the mastermind we live weekly coaching and masterclasses every week. Plus all the resources you need to thrive in motherhood and raise thriving children!  

We have modules covering personal healing: nervous system healing, inner child healing, motherwound healing, detriggering motherhood. 

Parenting: supporting your children with anger, anxiety, confidence, creating lasting connections and harmony in your family 

Self love, joy, inner peace, being in your leadership in motherhood, stepping ito your higher purpose of motherhood.

Conscious Communication, setting boundaries. 

Coregulation with your children

Supporting your children through anger

Manifestation in motherhood

And so much more

Access to two years worth of past masterclasses, modules, programs and challenges.  

Pay monthly opt out/ rejoin anytime