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Step into the truth of who you are and create a life of harmony, bliss, joy and magic for you and your family. 

Ruth Hudson

Hi, I'm Ruth Hudson 

Founder of Mothers Rising & Conscious Parents Rising


This is my Story


As a highly sensitive, highly intuitive child growing up in a disharmonious world, I suffered with childhood anxiety as long as I can remember. Pursuing a career to ensure no child struggled silently as I did, I was a therapist for over a decade before stepping into motherhood. 

I have since come to understand motherhood to be the deepest initiation: nothing triggers us deeply as motherhood, nothing stretches us, inspires us, heals us, or activates us as deeply as motherhood. 

Motherhood shines a light into the depths of our being and guides us into our own discovery of the truth of who we are. This is what we do in Mothers Rising. 

Ready to Rise with Ruth 

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Online Courses

Take a self-guided journey with weekly interactive lessons.


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1-on-1 Sessions 

Dive deep into your healing and rising with personalized mentorship. 


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Academy of Motherhood Mastery

Wrap around support to ensure lasting, life changing impact. 

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