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Work with me Individually



With all the noise from culture, family and friends, we lose sight of our true purpose. We are raised to focus on "doing" and rarely spend time "being". It is when we learn how to "be" that we begin to trust our inner voice.


When you have the most important job in the world, the desire to learn and grow in that role is imperative. 


It is through consciousness, that we are able to be fully authentic and present in our relationships. Why bend and mold yourself to meet the needs of others, when you can simply be who it is that you are?

Work With Me Individually

I offer one to one support in the form of a mentorship. This is complete wrap around support, for those really ready to break through limitations and take charge of their reality. It includes weekly sessions with touch points throughout the week and practices to fully integrate the work we do each week. I also make available any masterclasses resources that will be supportive for you during our time working together. 


The modalities I incorporate provide  powerful modality that allows for rapid transformation.  

We get right to the right of what is troubling you by uncovering where your subconscious mind is holding onto limited beliefs that are keeping this discomfort alive in your life. 

By releasing the limiting belief and attached trapped emotion, we can instantly create new ways of being that allow you to immediately live in a transformed reality. 

Another way of working with me, which works well for busy moms, have me in your back pocket. Be resourced in every moment, every experience of motherhood. Unlimited messaging, tools and resources for every experience that comes up throughout your day, developing strategies or working through triggeredness in motherhood, develop new perspectives and reframes to create a new lens to view the "problems" of motherhood. Have me in your back pocket for a moment by moment support. You never have to figure it out alone. 

This is Exactly what I Need!

If you are ready to create transformation but would like to connect first and understand how the sessions work and if we are aligned to work together then book a FREE call today. 

Book your free "Ready to Rise" call